@sumudu Food is good. I'm glad you managed to eat some! Hugs…
@gtwilson Ha ha. A friend of mine (who's just over 60) went to the gym a couple of months ago and was walking home when a woman pulled over and offered him $20. She thought he was a homeless guy down on his luck. I loved that story so much. He shaved his scraggly beard off shortly thereafter, btw. :-)
// @larand @kdfrawg
@kdfrawg Mine's supposed to be 70 and is usually around 50 download. Upload is only about 6.
// @streakmachine @indigo
@indigo You never know. I did manage to get my friend out of her situation without having to go to very much effort…even though I was totally prepared to do much more. If you catch the right party on the other end, you just might get lucky. I hope you do.
// @matigo