I was unable to reply via Firefox so it's apparently still not a good option. Oh well.


There doesn't appear to be any such thing for Safari. I quit using Firefox here because it was not being supported by . Does it behave better now? I shall have to see.


What said! I liked the GIF. I just want a way to make them stop! I don't understand browsers not letting us stop such things.


// @kdfrawg

Me too. I was moved to try and find something that will disable animated gifs in Safari. I miss the old days when I could just hit the escape key and animated gifs would stop.


I certainly hope someone's supervising!

// @kdfrawg


@kdfrawg Watermelons and cherries sound good. Although not necessarily together. :-) No fun being without Laura, though, no matter your fruit status!


@kdfrawg That doesn't really sound all that good. Things better today?


@kdfrawg Hi, Michael. How you be?
