:-( I'm so sorry.

I've been visiting a friend who's in a similar stage. She's got considerable strength in her right arm and okay movement but that's about it. Her mental faculties are still there but she can barely talk. I take her a smoothie once a week and we "visit" for about an hour. She loves the smoothies so I'm happy to do it but it's so sad.

Thanks. He was in a lot of pain a couple hours after it happened and they were pretty convinced he'd broken something but no sign of a break in the x-rays so no cast. Just a brace. Hopefully, he'll let it heal properly. (That's very unlikely.)


I don't answer my land line for that reason. I really need to get rid of it! I do answer my cell phone, though, unless it's an obvious spammer.


Yep! How are things? My father fell and severely sprained his wrist yesterday. He and my mom have my sister's dogs for a week. This should prove frustrating for everyone!

From the SoVeryBritish twitter account (if I didn't know better, I'd think had submitted this to them):

"You've got a missed call"

I know, I was staring at my phone as I was missing it

Indeed we are!

Poor Jason. :-(



So terribly frustrating for you. Hugs…

@kdfrawg Mmmmm…