I'm glad you're able to write about it now while it's fresh in your mind. Details get fuzzy as time passes.


I don't drink coffee but I would go visit Jason's Signature Coffee if I were near it.


"We can be a strange breed, musicians." 👈 Ha! So I've noticed. :-)



I don't know why this post reminded me but we used to put ketchup on scrambled eggs when I was a kid. I loved that. I wonder if I still would? I like mayo but the sound of it on eggs does not appeal to me. I may have to investigate. :-)



I'm so glad you were released.


I am playing catch-up and was about to suggest that when I thought I should see if anyone else had already done so. :-)



This is awful. Big hug to you.



Hypocrisy is the name of the game these days. And, grabbing as much cash as you can. I hope you can get some relief from the hayfever.


I am so happy to see you.

(I scrolled down to your first post and will now read up.)


I've also always suffered from some sort of pollen/mold/dust allergies (not severe but always aggravating). I started taking allergy medication about 10 years ago (I'm on Flonase these days) and it made all the difference in the world.

