@kdfrawg One of the reasons often cited is jobs creation. The rationale is that you'd have to hire more people, some to run the inside of the station and others to do the service. But, what happened, of course, was that everyone just ended up waiting for the (often) sole employee to do all of the tasks. It's pretty silly. And, very disconcerting when you go to Oregon and aren't allowed to pump your own gas.


I made plans to stop by the consulting gig this morning before heading into my regular gig. I knew there wouldn't be much time to eat lunch between so made a lunch to go. Got finished with the consulting then, got in the car, and no lunch to be found. Apparently, it's still sitting on my kitchen counter. Where it's doing me no good. So, I stopped at a new salad place and grabbed a salad. It's a tasty salad. I guess I'll have the lunch I prepared for lunch tomorrow. If I can remember to bring it. Sigh.

That looks yummy.

We got a bit of sun back yesterday. It had mostly been absent since Christmas.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg Brrrr…

That does sound tired. Kind of like when you reach for your phone and it's not in your pocket so you start scouting out all the nearby surfaces only to realize it's in your other hand.

Nice. How was the day?

It's all so sad and hard. Many hugs to you.

I hope 2018 treats you well.
