I checked and my name is in my 10C profile. So…?

I think your stuff looks very much like what paintings are supposed to look like. I like what they look like, at any rate. :-)

My mom's just too impatient. Which is a shame. She's a fantastic oil painter. The fumes started to get to her, though, so she gave up on them and tried the pastels. Once she'd done that, she was a lost cause to all other forms of painting for the most part.

I like some eggs. I like 'em scrambled if they're scrambled right. Same with omelets. :-) I do not like 'em fried or hard/soft boiled. I can eat 'em done that way but I won't be happy. I cannot say the same for cilantro. It is vile no matter what.

// @kdfrawg

Huh. I guess most people haven't provided a name, in that case. Including me, apparently. Which is odd. I always use my name. I shall have to look into it.

And, yet…I saw it! :-)

And she likes that she doesn't have to wait for anything to dry!

@kdfrawg Yep. Windows fares much better if it's rebooted daily. I got in the habit at work because I'm around Windows so much there.

Possible to show people's names (if they provide one) in their profiles? Rather than just their account handle? Or is there somewhere we can see that?

@kdfrawg Just checked my laptop and it's at 20 days. My machines at work get rebooted daily.