@matigo I checked and my name is in my 10C profile. So…?
@indigo I think your stuff looks very much like what paintings are supposed to look like. I like what they look like, at any rate. :-)
@indigo My mom's just too impatient. Which is a shame. She's a fantastic oil painter. The fumes started to get to her, though, so she gave up on them and tried the pastels. Once she'd done that, she was a lost cause to all other forms of painting for the most part.
@peemee I like some eggs. I like 'em scrambled if they're scrambled right. Same with omelets. :-) I do not like 'em fried or hard/soft boiled. I can eat 'em done that way but I won't be happy. I cannot say the same for cilantro. It is vile no matter what.
// @larand @indigo @kdfrawg
@matigo Huh. I guess most people haven't provided a name, in that case. Including me, apparently. Which is odd. I always use my name. I shall have to look into it.
@kdfrawg Yep. Windows fares much better if it's rebooted daily. I got in the habit at work because I'm around Windows so much there.
@matigo Possible to show people's names (if they provide one) in their profiles? Rather than just their account handle? Or is there somewhere we can see that?
@kdfrawg Just checked my laptop and it's at 20 days. My machines at work get rebooted daily.