In the column you have hidden in Cappuccino. :-)


Oh, good. took over my spot in the Top 10 posters. Thanks!

@kdfrawg I'm sure it was! If I'd had any interest in either team, I totally would've watched the game. :-)


Well done!

I didn't watch either. But, mostly because I didn't care at all about either team. I went out and listened to some great music.


My favorite is still Downcast. I love that it allows me to rank podcasts. I have one playlist sorted by rank and date. I eventually hear everything but the shows I want to hear first (before they go stale or just because I like them more) are always at the top. When I'm done with those, the others are ready to go. And, you can download just one episode or one file (doesn't even have to be an actual podcast—you just need the URL of the media file) at any time. You can easily put podcasts on hold if you don't want to listen for a bit. It's terribly handy. And, no account needed.


I love chocolate!

// @kdfrawg

He was terribly young!

Getting better and better!