Awwww. Hugs…

Never Been to Spain by Shelby Lynne [] — This just popped up on my iPod and made me happy. I do like this cover. Shelby Lynne is one of my all-time favorite singers.

Welcome home.

@kdfrawg Hmmm…after all that, would you rather have had the indignity?


I was working on a project on my computer and that phrase wriggled its way into my conscious mind and made me immediately stop what I was doing to see what in the world they were talking about. Then I realized and went back to my project after posting about it. :-)

// @kdfrawg

Just heard the phrase "forensic sexperts" on a tv show and was taken aback. What? Then I realized they'd actually said "forensics experts." And, so… :-)

There you are. Hi!



Car shopping is no fun. Good luck.

@der_jeff Pretty sure you can do just that. They make adult nappies these days.